About Us

Once upon a time, in a galaxy not too far away, on the third rock from the sun, five people met one fateful day in a classroom somewhere in Malaysia. As fate would have it, or just pure educational enrolment rules, the five were all born on the Chinese lunar year of the mighty monkey. And they were proud of it!

These five monkeys bonded over music, briefly toying with the idea of setting up a band, but decided they were utterly crap at playing any musical instrument competently. Instead, they decided that they would go forth and set up a website to post their musical musings, raves or rants about albums and gigs, and generally just to tell whoever on the internet who cared to visit their humble website about the music and bands that they like. Or don't like.

And so, Simian Soundwaves was born!

The Crew

Alpha Monkey The head monkey and overall boss of the office. He fancies that the rest of his team are merely his minions. His favourite catchphrase is "Do not fail me!".
The Brain When not planning for his latest attempt at world domination, The Brain can be found wasting time on the Internet. Though he will insist that he is "researching" for his next article if questioned.
Pinky Despite the name, Pinky actually has a natural aversion to the colour pink. She has been known to run away screaming in fear when faced with a Hello Kitty doll.
Web Monkey The resident techie and geek of us lot and the one to complain to if you have any problems with the website. Also doubles as tech support for us when our computers misbehave.
Jedz Jedz loves taking photos at gigs. We sometimes wonder if she's even paying attention to what's going on onstage. We're confident her exploits with us will be invaluable experience for a future as a paparazzo.

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